Registrations Tea Party! (RIMUN 2018) - Reims International Model United Nations - Rimun

Du au

De 10h00 à 17h00

Reims International Model United Nations - Rimun

1 Place Museux
51100 Reims

We all know it's Nervous Breakdown November, so we've got you covered! We will be serving some delicious cookies, coffee and tea on Tuesday and Thursday this week to celebrate the start of RIMUN Individual Delegate registrations! Swing by for a cup of tea and stay to register for one of the biggest Model United Nations conferences in France, organised on our campus. We will be waiting for you in the Glass Hallway from 10:00 to 17:00 on Tuesday and at Salle des Actes, right next to the Peniche, from 10:00 to 17:00 on Thursday.

See you soon,
Ray Moon

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